Wednesday 7 March 2012

what a way to mark 4 months!!!

well my little man, you are now a whole 4 months old. i dont kow where to start, so much has happened since my last entry.

after sleepong through for several weeks, you suddenly began waking every hour, hour and half for feeds. everyone kept saying it was just a growth spurt and you would soon settle back down but 3 weeks later, resembling nothing other then a zombie, we spoke to the health visitor again. 'just keep doing what you're doing' she said. you're putting one weight rally well, your meeting all your milestones and more and you're a very happy content little baby boy..... so 'just keep doing what you're doing' she said 'hes a big boy and he's hungry'. i was shattered!!!

at 15 weeks i gave in and tried you on a little baby rice at tea time, you quickly guzzled it down, smiling away with every mouthful. you slept through till 4 that night. once we reached 16 1/2 weeks we started on the fun stuff. potatoe - you liked that one....parsnip - well to say you were disgusted is an understatement hehe. you wolfed down the carrot too.

you giggle your little head off now, when mummy kisses your neck you giggle until i stop, then you look at me with your big blue eyes as if to say 'again again!!!!'. you giggle as we bounce along to the wheels on the bus and you dance along to 'its the mickey mouse club house.....'

you sit perfectly with support and will sit for 15 to 20 seconds unsupported. you are trying your hardest to pull yourself up when laying down. you want to stand a lot of the time you little monkey, just holding mummys hands you will stand there all proud. but we're trying not to encourage you to do this just yet.... but you wont listen! you are so nosy, you dont like to be laid down any more, you want to look around at the world surrounding you.

when you go to other people for cuddles, you watch me, just to make sure i'm not going anywhere then you settle into amusing them with your charming smile and beautiful big blue eyes, you talk away telling them stories. but you're really good and will stay with others without getting upset too.

so you turned 4 months old on monday, we were laying you on your side and you were rolling to your front. i sat back, leaving you on your back. you started to swing your legs over, again , again and again...... then you rolled!!!!! right over, all by yourself onto your tummy. you finished it off by pulling out your arm and pushing yourself up. very proud of yourself you smiled, very proud of you i cried, picked you up, cuddled you and told you what a very clever little boy you are.

the days are flying by!!! a year ago on the 10th we found out you had stuck! i cannot believe its over a year since your adventures began and already you're 4 months old.

love you with all my heart

love mummy xxx

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