Sunday 28 July 2013

the road to baby 2...

It's been done time since I last made an entry here, I guess running around after a toddler leaves little time in the day for much else. Being a mummy is far more then I could have ever imagined. Finley surprises me by the day with all that he learns; he is a true inspiration to me and gives me strength I never knew I had. Out of his already extensive vocabulary my favourite word continues to be "mummy" (I write that with a smile the size of my face :-D )

So in February we saw our ivf unit and began the process again. It's been a long road to get started as we have made the decision to egg share.this meant a lot of tests and counselling but we finally got there. It seems we accepted the egg sharing easier then our relatives. My mother in law in particular seems to struggle with our decision and she has mentioned a few times about me having mini becky's running around the city we live in. I guess I made peace with the egg sharing part of things a lot easier then I did having to embark on ivf again. For me I am giving another woman the opportunity to try and hold a baby of her own. My mum told me she is very proud of me for this.

So I started down regging 9 days ago. The first few days were a bit nightmarish.... horrendous mood, feeling very irritable, extremely lethargic and just generally emotional about the whole process. But things finally called down and not I am just feeling achey and my tummy feels sore from the injections but I'm getting there. So just need to keep going until period comes and I can start drumming. Really need to kick this negativity I have first.