Saturday 15 December 2012

9/7/2012 8 months gone by

its 2 months since my last journal to you lickle moon and i really dont know where to start.

the emotions i feel everyday at having you in my life are quite frankly indescribable. there isnt a day goes by when your actions invoke feelings of happiness, fear and excitement. when you first crawled and i lay there on my tummy filming those first clumsy movements; or when you one day just made your way over to the sofa and while i was enthralled in coversation with nanna you just grabbed the side and stood yourself up like it was something you have done everyday of your life; and even when yesterday you sat in your highchair and you reached out your biscuit to give me a bite, big gummy grin on your face, so happy to share with me..... all these moments a feeling of being so proud of you, proud to be your mummy, happy i got to witness you doing these things but scared that ill miss the next with the blink of an eye.

you are no longer my tiny baby laying in my arms, gazing up at me in wonderment of the big world. now you are a little boy, so much independence in all that you do, wether it be feeding yourself or sat happily playing with your toys. when we go to the playgroups and as i pop you down on the floor whilst i remove my shoes and bags, i turn around and your gone, other side of the room sat playing with the other babies and the toys in the room. you are filled with confidence and i hope i have instilled that in you.

having such a history with depression and anxiety and growing up in a home where this was quite apparent, my biggest hope was for you to not have the same experience. everyday i battle with my own fears and anxieties but to watch you smiling and happy and confident it assures me i am doing something right.

i enjoy the cuddles and the smiles you give to me, and me only. everybody says how youre a mummys boy, i dont care though. you are happy in the arms of others but i see the way you look at me and your daddy that you dont look at others that way. its me you search out when you have banged yourself playing or wehn you are hungry, or even when youre just wanting a big mummy cuddle.

we have being sent a new hurdle this last few weeks. as i weaned you from breast to bottle and gave you more formula by the day, you became incressingly unwell. you have been lethargic, snotty, coughing, wheezing, youve had diareah and vomiting and your eczema has flared up. today we saw the gp and believe it to be a dairy intolerance. so our new challenge is to manage your diet in a way to prevent all these horrible symptoms for you. already just removing the formula you have improved drastically.

i could sit and write to you all night finley, but im sure when you read these, if you ever want to read these, that me gushing all over the page about how much you mean to me will just embarass you ever so slightly.

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