Saturday 15 December 2012

18/8/2012 first words

well my little chatter box you have started saying actual words rather then just babbling. You are only 10 months old and i am super proud of you. You've been saying dada, mama, hiya and bye bye for a while. But last Tuesday we were walking when you suddenly pointed and shouted "doddy". There behind us was a big doggy also out for a walk. The following evening when watching cbeebies a number of dogs came up on the screen and very excitedly you shouted "DOGGY" !!!!

Since then we have 2 new words, daddy isn't very happy about one of them though.... The first one is "dirty", whenever you pick anything up off the floor you look at me and say "dirty", i must tell you this a lot.

But the one daddy doesnt like came about on Sunday night. It was bath time and we were waiting for daddy to come up to bath you so i shouted his name. You sat waiting for him at the top of the stairs and when he didn't come up, you pulled yourself up on the safety gate and shouted "MIKE". Mummy couldn't stop laughing at you. And since then you crawl around lookin for him shouting "MIKE". Oooops.

Think like you're mummy, you're going to be a chatterbox :-)

Lots of love my lickle man Xxxx

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